Welcome to SAT Orlando

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Please see the books on the last page.


Sujith’s Math from 7:30 am to 9:00 am

Dr. Gokul ACT English from10:30am to 11:30 am

Mr. Dillon First Session 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Mr. Dillon Second Session 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Chirak Patelji’s Math 5th/6th/7th Grader 10:30 am to 11:30 am

SAT-ACT Registration Form for Jan-Dec 2023

Upcoming Classes From Jan To Dec 2023

Please note that all classes are online. Any change will be notified

  1. January 8th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul Kumar English.
  2. January 15th Sujithji Math and Dillon English
  3. January 22nd Math Sujithji and Chirakji
  4. January 29th Math Sujithji and Chirakji
  5. February 5th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  6. February 12th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  7. February 19th Sujithji Math and Dillon English
  8. February 26th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul Kumar English
  9. March 5th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul Kumar English
  10. March 12th Sujithji Math and Dillon English


  1. March 19th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  2. March 26th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  3. April 2nd Sujithji Math and Dillon English class
  4. April 9th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul English class
  5. April 16th Math Sujithji and Chirakji
  6. April 23rd Math Sujithji and Chirakji
  7. May 7th Sujithji and Chirakji Math class
  8. May 14th Sujithji Math Dr. Gokul English ACT (Mother’s Day)
  9. May 21st Sujithji Math and Dillon English


  1. May 28th NO CLASS
  2. June 4th Dr. Gokul English ACT Class
  3. June 11th Dillon English class
  4. June 18th, and June 25th NO CLASS
  5. July 2nd No Class
  6. July 9th Dillon English class
  7. July 16th, July 23rd & July 30 NO CLASS
  8. August 6th Sujithji Math and Dillon English Class
  9. August 13th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  10. August 20th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul English Class
  11. 30) August 27th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  12. Sept 43rd Sujithji math and Dillon English
  13. Sept 10th Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul English
  14. Sept 17th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  15. Sept 24th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  16. Oct 1st Sujithji Math and Dillon English Class
  17. Oct 8th Sujithji Math And Dr. Gokul Kumar English class
  18. Oct 15th HAPPY Navratilova No Class
  19. Oct 22nd HAPPY Navratri No Class
  20. Oct 29th Sujithji and Chirakji Math
  21. Nov 5th Sujithji Math and. Dillon English class


  1. Nov 12 Happy Diwali No Class
  2. Nov 19th Sujithji Math Class and Dr. Gokul English Class

(Sunday, Nov 26th Happy Thanksgiving Day No Class

  1. Dec 3rd Sujithji Math and Dr. Gokul English class
  2. Dec 10th Sujithji Math and DILLON English Class


Sujithji’s Math class is from 7:30 am to 9:00 am


Meeting ID: 849 0609 4951

Password: 5768470440

Email to contact Sujith ji sujith.bhatia@gmail.com

Chirak Patel Ji Math Class from 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Meeting ID: 889 8785 6255
Password: 037648


No calculator Is Allowed

Please do not use it at Home also

E-mail to contact Mr. Chirak Patel patelcap@gmail.com

Dr. Gokul Kumar's English ACT class 10:30 AM to 11:30 am


Meeting ID: 812 5031 5051
Password: 5588990550

YouTube lessons - ACT Prep Guide 2019-20 Test 2

Homework test 1 from Act book

Email Dr Gokul kumar gokul.n.kumar@gmail.com

Mr. Dillon First Session 10:00 am to 12:00 pm


Meeting ID: 869 4047 3879

Password: 849447

Email to contact Mr. Dillon calvindillon@gmail.com

Mr. Dillon Second Session 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm


Meeting ID: 860 8340 3136

Password: 434788

Email to contact Mr. Dillon calvindillon@gmail.com

SAT-ACT Registration Form

SAT-ACT Registration Jan-Dec 2023

SAT book for 2023

Book for Mr. Dillon English class for 2023

  • 7 SAT Practice Tests 2023 + Online Practice (Barron's Test Prep) Fourth Edition by Philip Geer Ed.M. - https://amzn.to/3WkseWZ

Book for Sujith ji & Dr. Gokul Kumar Math class book for 2023

Every child from 7th to 11th grade who is in Sujith's, Dillon's and Dr. Gokul Kumar's Class are required to buy the new three books, which are posted on the website under book two for SAT, and one for Act is a must for every child. No book for Chrak Patel ji class for 5th 6th grader


Please note all the access codes to participate in online classes. You are not allowed to share them with anybody in the world.

All the children must be ready at least 5 minutes before the beginning of the session. Your teachers have to accept you to join online classes; there is no door to be left open. For example, if you want to join at 7.45 am Sujith ji class, chances are you may be denied to join, Sujith ji will be busy teaching, and he can not attend to the latecomers.